now you’ve written your magnum opus do not let it die on its vine

Sometimes I come across eager authors with a fold-away table piled with copies of their book. They set up on a Saturday, in the middle of Chelsea, London, where they know that footfall is heavy, then proceed to spend the day behind their very book, pretending they’re reading it, as the locusts buzz by without giving them glance. Are you this type of author? Now that you’ve finished your book and it’s finally in your eager little mitts, are you also hoping to shift a copy or two by showing up at a market or by waving it at a passer-by? Think again dear author! That’s not how books are sold, least of all books by first-time authors. 

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dare to promote your work

most novice authors do not know how to market their books professionally and effectively

There is a misguided assumption in publishing that infers a big publishing house will do all the marketing for you, the wonderful new author. Wrong! A big publisher will have some budget aside for your book but the expectation is still that you, the author, will do a lot of the legwork. And what if you are a novice author and this is your first rodeo? And what if you are a self-publishing novice author? It’s all fun and games until you realise that once the manuscript has completed the last of the last round of editing and proofing and the copies are being bound as we speak, it is now up to you to sell this thing.

Sorry, whaaaaaat?! Yes my darling, nothing sells itself, least of all books. You have to prepare digital campaigns, you have to prepare digital assets, and then you have to prepare hard assets, and you yourself, so that you can talk about your book with confidence and pizzazz.

I have put this guide together with you in mind, dear author! Did I tell you that I used to work as an editor at the DH Lawrence Research Centre? Time and time again I saw absolutely great books turning to mould like unpicked grapes because the author did not understand the effort involved in marketing. Proceed in the dark no more…

Get my FREE download today and start planning the marketing campaign for your book!


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I learned all of these things the hard way and we could say I was lucky because when I had the opportunity, I made the most of it, and reeled off digital assets for all sorts of books.

If your book is now nearing completion and you want to be ready for it to hit every table in every bookshop [because, remember, it’s the face-up book that sells], then you must prepare to market it properly.

Do justice to your efforts!

Get ready to market your book IMMEDIATELY!

What Do I Know?